CLUB SUP emerged from the 2020 lockdowns, starting in March 2021 with a modest gathering of 12 guests. Strangers gathered around a long table, prepared to converse and connect over meals curated by the Club's founder, SOPHIE MCINTYRE.

Fast-forward to 2024, and we've hosted over 100 suppers and events across Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, bringing together well over 1,000 people. In 2023, our event offerings expanded to include ART CLUB (Food For Everyone & Nonnas Grocer), BREAKFAST CLUB (Club AMPM Pilates), and BOOK SWAP.

Our love for food is evident. Sharing a meal unites us, be it simple lockdown-inspired share house dinners or lavish feasts for celebrating milestones. Club Sup was created to carve out time in our modern society for people to pause and reconnect. Each event at the club is marked by curiosity and care in its preparation, always accompanied by a second helping of nervous anticipation.

Every year, our goal is to welcome guests to GATHER WITH PURPOSE, whether around a communal table or in a class. We encourage attendees to push their boundaries and engage in conversations with strangers because WE KNOW HOW TO HOST GOOD EVENTS.

At the club, conversation acts as a distraction from our phones, except for the occasional exchange of numbers. As each event concludes, the invisible gap between strangers disappears. The room becomes warm, and the energy transforms into an electric buzz as strangers evolve into friendly acquaintances. Beyond the club, friendships flourish through pub catch-ups, Sunday night lasagnes, and Friday night drinks.
