Why I Started Club Sup

People often ask me why and how I started Club Sup, and it has taken me nearly four years to feel comfortable answering this question. Now, I feel I can finally define it, reflecting on both where we started and where I hope to take it.

Club Sup began as a hobby—an outlet for me to cook and host supper events as a creative escape. I never imagined that nearly four years later, it would evolve into a full-fledged business. It took me some time to define what the Club really is because, at first, there was nothing quite like it in Australia. While Meetup existed, the events never felt intimate or authentic enough to foster real connections. Finding a true friend at those events was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Club Sup is deeply personal to me for many reasons. The main one is that I spent much of my early 20s wishing for something like this. Perhaps building the Club has been my way of healing from past experiences of loneliness. I’ve been fortunate to find my people, to the point where I now bump into familiar faces on the street—something that once seemed impossible.

What is Club Sup?

Club Sup is a supper club created for people to make friends. Since launching in March 2021, it has grown beyond supper events. We now host lunches, book swaps, yoga sessions, and more. Club Sup is an in-person experience, something rare in today’s world where so much happens online. Real connection requires a 3D experience—you need to see someone’s expressions and engage in real-time conversation. Our events are designed to be safe, welcoming spaces where you can enjoy great food, drinks, and meaningful conversations with like-minded people. Many have found not just friends, but also roommates or even job opportunities through the Club.

How Club Sup Started

Club Sup began as a conversation during lockdown in my Melbourne share house. We started as strangers and became close friends. None of us grew up in Melbourne, but each of us had a few friends we wanted to introduce to the group, hoping to create a richer, more connected community. The idea was simple: host a supper where everyone brought a guest that no one else knew, and see if we could all become friends. While it started as a lockdown pipe dream, we never organized the event once restrictions lifted. But as life became busier, I found myself craving a creative outlet again, inspired by the strong friendships I had built. That’s when I thought: "What if I combined my love for cooking with the idea of a supper where everyone is a stranger?" And so, Club Sup was born—a space for people to connect over cozy suppers filled with great food and wine.

A Moment When Club Sup Came to Life

There have been several moments where it felt like the Club truly came to life. Each time I set a new goal or dream for the Club, it seems to level up. But the first night I hosted strangers at an Airbnb/art gallery in Fitzroy really stands out. Hearing everyone laughing and getting to know the person sitting next to them—someone they’d never met before—was incredibly rewarding. It was in that moment I knew I had created something special.

A Fond Memory from a Club Sup Event

One of my fondest memories was from an event we hosted earlier this year, in collaboration with a brand. Someone from the brand arrived about 10 or 15 minutes into the event and commented on how warm and friendly the atmosphere was. They were amazed to realize that everyone in the room had come alone and yet, the vibe was so welcoming and connected.

The Bigger Vision for Club Sup

There is so much more I want to do with Club Sup. My vision is to continue growing this community, always providing fun and meaningful ways for people to connect. Working with brands to create unique events has been a great way to bring people together, uniting them through shared experiences. The goal is to keep expanding this community and offer even more opportunities for connection.