When I think about the Club really started over pancakes. In 2020 the sharehouse I moved into came together at first over pancakes. In the early days of living together when we were still fresh to one another (we moved in as all complete strangers to one another) we spent Saturdays eating pancakes over french press coffee and invent activities to keep us entertained for the weekend. It is where we would spend time thinking up elaborate suppers for Saturday nights. For my birthday in lockdown Miranda and Rylee decorated the kitchen with streamers and made me pancakes it made me feel so loved. Pancakes will forever be nostalgic the first one is always shit but they make everyone smile.

These pancakes are super light and fluffy for their thickness. They’re best enjoyed with just maple syrup and butter although you can literally add whatever you want. My favourite way to prepare these is in a blender because it allows you to pour them into the pan perfectly and less disshes. If you have a big jug you can mix it in there and pour them into the pan. If don’t have either you can mix in a bowl and just a ladle.



1 & 1/2 cups self raising flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup of caster sugar

1 cup milk ( plant based milk works fine)

1 egg

1 tbsp vanilla

100g butter

100ml Maple Syrup

100g butter to serve on top of pancakes



If you are using a blender add all the ingredients to the blender and just blitz

If you aren’t using a blender mix the eggs, vanilla and milk together in bowl and sieve in all the dry ingredients mix until combined,

Heat a large fry pan to a medium heat with all the butter coating the entire pan with the butter. Once it is all melted pour the excess butter into the pancake mix.

Reduce the heat to low and start pouring the batter one pancake at a time cooking until bubbles appear on the top. You will know that the pancake is ready when you pop the bubbles and the hole stays and the batter doesn’t cave in.

Keep going until you have used all the batter up.

If the pancakes are getting to burnt take the pan off the heat and let them cook while the pan cools a bit the return it to the heat is as you need.


